Yanin Jimenez. Founder & Fashion Designer.

The designer Yanin Jiménez created the Midori® brand in 2019 with the co-founder Efrén Báez, a Mexican entrepreneurship with the intention of accelerating towards responsible consumption with sustainable design products inspired by the "less is best" lifestyle Less is Better .

Yanin is the author of 3 patent titles, and recently is part of the Network of Innovative Women. In recent years Midori has developed more than 50 product designs.

One of the main differences in the original design of Midori products is that they are designed to make parents' day-to-day life easier and achieve better diaper hygiene, with an innovative Triple Anti-Leak Protection exclusive to Midori®, secure navel design at the front , natural dryfit design in direct contact with baby's skin.

Yanin's skill in design and tailoring begins at the age of 10 when he discovered his great-grandmother's original sewing machine at home.

For Yanin, entrepreneurship is her way of creating a balance in her life as a mother, partner and creator, and through Midori to provide more parents with design, elegance and safety for their baby.

Explore more of Yanin's designs by following his personal YouTube channel.